Navigation: Help > Setup Documentation > Import Template (F5)
Purpose: To have the most updated version of Shiftsuite's Accounting Import Document
NOTE: Please do not change the column headers' names or positions in the worksheet, as this may cause import errors.
Instructions Tab
- Instructions tab guides Property Management Teams in correctly completing the Shiftsuite Accounting Import Template.
Corporations Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
- Corporation Name: Enter the Condominium Plan (e.g., TSCC1243).
- Common Name: If the Condominium does not have one (e.g., The Pirate's Cove), use the Condominium Plan acronym (e.g., TSCC1234)
- Legal Name: Registered Condominium Name (e.g., "York Region Condominium Corporation No. 1234" (YRCC1234)
- Contact Email: Assignment of the Site Contact E-Mail.
Site Address: Corporation’s location, City, Province, Postal Code.
- If multiple addresses, group them (e.g., 100-300 First St / 800-900 Second St for 100, 200, 300 First St & 800, 900 Second St). Use abbreviations if needed (e.g., St for Street).
Contact Address: City, Province, Postal Code, Country, Phone, & Fax (If applicable).
- Main office address of the Property Management Company
- CONDUIT Contact Email: For the E-Mail Recipient to receive Status Certificate Requests through CONDUIT.
- Common Element: Enter Y or N (only for Common Element Corporations).
Units Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
Unit (number on the door),
- Legal Unit provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Legal Level provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
Proportion: The Proportion % should be entered as a whole value, not as a percentage decimal.
- For example, a proportion of 2.5% should be entered as "2.5", NOT as "0.025".
Municipal Unit: Typically refers to the unit as recognized by the municipality for tax, zoning, and assessment purposes.
- This is different from the unit's definition in the Condominium Declaration or Corporation's governing documents.
- PIN - used for Geo-Warehouse integration. If this information is unavailable, please leave the columns blank.
Unit Address: The Street address of the site.
- City, Province, Postal Code
- Types Residential or Commercial
- Charge Tax: To indicate tax collection for government reporting, input "Y" for yes or "N" for no.
Owners Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
Unit (number on the door),
- Legal Unit provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Legal Level provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Prefix: Information about the person's status, profession, or respect.
- First name, Last Name, Suffix
- Company Name (if applicable)
- Day Phone or Work Phone, Day Phone or Work Phone EXT, Night Phone or Home Phone, Night Phone or Home Phone EXT (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Cell Phone (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Fax (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Email (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Owner Address (If offsite, reflect in this column), City, Province, Postal Code, Country
- Business Type (if applicable)
- Branch#, Institution#, Account#, PAP Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Payor Name & Amount (Entering in PAP information provided to Management)
Owner Notes
For Administration purposes, you are able to enter in Owner Notes. (E.g., volunteers often with the Board, approachable, etc.)
Additional Owners Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
Unit (number on the door)
- Legal Unit provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Legal Level provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Title: Information about the person's status, profession, or respect.
- First name, Last Name
- Day Phone or Work Phone, Day Phone or Work Phone EXT, Night Phone or Home Phone, Night Phone or Home Phone EXT (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Cell Phone (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Fax (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Email (If applicable, and provided to Management)
- Owner Address (If offsite, reflect in this column), City, Province, Postal Code, Country
Unit Management Tab
The Unit Management Tab is used if there is an Alternate Management Company for a unit or multiple units.
Tenants Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
Unit (number on the door)
- Legal Unit provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Legal Level provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Company Name (if applicable)
- First name, Last Name
- Title: Information about the person's status, profession, or respect.
- Address, City, Province, Country Postal Code
- Day Phone, Day Phone EXT, Night Phone or Home Phone, Night Phone or Home Phone EXT
- Mobile, Fax
- Web (if applicable)
- Is Main Tenant ("Y" or "N")
Pet Information
The Pet Information Tab assists with administration tracking when a resident owns a pet that lives onsite
Parking Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
- Parking: Unit number of the Parking Unit, Parking Legal Level, Parking Legal Unit
- Unit: To link a Residential/Commercial Unit to a Parking Unit, Unit Legal Level, Unit Legal Unit
- Parking Proportion: Found in the Declaration, if uncertain enter 0 or leave this column blank
- Charge Tax (Y/N): If you wish to collect tax on the Parking Unit
Vehicle Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
- Parking: Unit number of the Parking Unit, Parking Legal Level, Parking Legal Unit
- Plate No.
- Permit No. (Internal tracking system if applicable)
- Make, Model, Colour
Locker Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
- Locker: Unit number of the Locker Unit, Locker Legal Level, Locker Legal Unit
- Unit: To link a Residential/Commercial Unit to a Locker Unit, Unit Legal Level, Unit Legal Unit
- Locker Proportion: Found in the Declaration, if uncertain enter 0 or leave this column blank
- Locker Type: Enter in "Locker"
- Locker Fee: If fees are associated with the lockers, enter. If not, enter 0 or leave blank.
- Charge Tax (Y/N): If you wish to collect tax on the Parking Unit
Vendor Tab
Note: Vendors should be provided only once to Shiftsuite; if supplied in an import when it already exists in your Database, the Vendor Company will be duplicated.
Directors Tab
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
- Position
- Unit (number on the door)
- First Name, Last Name
- Address
- Phone # (if applicable)
- Term Expires
Chart of Accounts Tab
NOTE: If your team utilizes a Global Chart of Accounts across your portfolio, this should be provided only once. With authorization, we will use this CoA for future Condominiums.
Account Types
Valid Account Types for your Chart of Accounts are provided on the next page
User Accounts
The User Accounts should be provided only once through the Accounting import sheet during the Implementation Phase.
- Additional User Accounts should be sent to
- Click Here for User Control - Adding/Editing A User in Accounting.
Post Dated Cheques
Corporation ID: Default is 1.
- If entering multiple Condominiums, assign different numbers (e.g., Corp A = 1, Corp B = 2) to keep units and data organized.
Unit (number on the door)
- Legal Unit provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Legal Level provided in the Declaration or amendment to the Declaration.
- Branch#, Institution#, Account#, PAP Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy), Payor Name & Amount (Entering in PAP information provided to Management)
- Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
- Amount
Emergency Contacts Tab
Emergency contact information assists with administration tracking when a resident owns a pet that lives onsite.
Document Categories Tab
This tab reflects the Document Categories to be imported to CONDUIT.
Recommendations for a smooth import:
- Retain a copy of the completed import document that was provided to Shiftsuite.
- Keep a blank copy for future use.
- Do not make any changes to column titles or column names, or tab order.
- Do not include formulas or hyperlinks - raw data only.
- Do not delete the rows, text must remain in place.
- Do not change the Excel cell type. It should remain as "General".
- If you do not utilize CONDUIT - remove the Document Categories page.
- Save this locally and email it to
- Once our SHIFT Support team confirms it has been imported, follow and execute the Corporation Setup Checklist – accessed by F3 on your keyboard.
- Any question or assistance needed in filling out the document; give us a call at 416-489-5972, or email us at and one of our Support Agents will call you to go through it in detail with you.
NOTE: The Proportion % should be entered as a whole value, not as a percentage decimal. For example, a proportion of 2.5% should be entered as "2.5", NOT as "0.025".
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